Archives from November 2017

Global Depletion

Thanks, NASA. Instead of wondering if there is water on Mars, please spend your money on this.

11/10/2014 | (0) Comments

Harvesting 101

Glad to be getting rain in Santa Fe recently.  Thanks to Wesley Roe for sending this rainwater harvesting link in CustomMade.


11/09/2014 | (0) Comments

Fall 2014 QWEL Training

Just a reminder to anyone interested in QWEL training there will be classes offered in early November.  Follow the link below to sign up.

10/29/2014 | (0) Comments

Book Review at EcoDaddyo

Here's a book review of "Harvest the Rain" over at EcoDadaddyo. It's three-and-a-half years old, but I've don't think it has ever made it to our blog.

10/28/2014 | (0) Comments

The Price of Water

Raising the cost of water is, unfortunately, not politically viable in most cases...but supporting water harvesting could be popular if people learned how many local jobs come from the water harvesting industry.

10/26/2014 | (0) Comments

Donate to KSFR!

Now is the time to come to the aid of your community radio station! KSFR is having its fall fund drive. I'll be on 101.1FM and streaming live at tomorrow at 10:30am on the Garden Journal...I think they'll let me donate at book or two, so please call in!

10/24/2014 | (0) Comments

Santa Fe Community College Hosts El Agua es Vida Water Festival

Santa Fe: Looking forward to being on a water-issues panel at SFCC tomorrow at 11am in the Jemez rooms. Plus, Mayor Javier Gonzales is keynoting at 10:30am. Join us!

10/22/2014 | (0) Comments

Our Book at Ecoversity’s Website

It’s good to see Harvest the Rain over at the Ecoversity website.

10/16/2014 | (0) Comments

The Reign of Rain

I'd be interested to hear feedback with respect to my underlying thesis (viz., water harvesting should be an important part of any recovering economy that also happens to have water-oriented challenges) found in this month's "Permaculture in Practice" column in the 'New Mexican.'

10/14/2014 | (0) Comments

Everything Gardens

My essay, "Extrapolations: Voltaire in the Garden," can be found at St John's College's new digital-only magazine, 'Rational Animal,'

09/26/2014 | (1) Comments